Imagine if you created a company on a foundation made of sand


Imagine if you created a company on a foundation made of sand. You just hired people to fill spots, and didn’t take the time to find out if they were right for the position, or for the company. Over time, the waves would slowly erode your delicate foundation, and wash your company away.
I have spent hours researching ways to make sure your staff fits your culture. . I would rather you take extra time to fill a needed position, and allow it to sit vacant, than fill it quickly with someone who might not be right for the company and your culture.
I want to show your companies just how we do business, including how great culture fits are recruited. In the ARM industry there has always been a high turn over rate but I believe that with a better-fit and clear defined company culture this can be eliminated.
Hiring the wrong people costs companies a lot of money and lost productivity every year, so why not take a little extra time to find the correct fit.
So I ask you, are you building you company on a sand foundation, or are you building you company on a concrete one?

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